Before I start this, I know I seem to love every movie I see. This is a problem for a lot of people. One of the most often questions I get is "how do you not like a movie?" My response usually involves something about how I find the things I like about a movie and remember those. And for the most part I do like every movie I see, but nowadays it's even more true. Maybe it's because I know the movies I want to see and I don't settle for other movies or maybe it is because movies are simply getting better overall.
Yes, there are still the awful movies (Twilight series among others), but I tend to avoid seeing those without any problem. Occasionally watching a bad movie is a lot of fun (see the Step Up series), but once you figure out how to spot the winners from the losers going to the movies is always an enjoyable experience. Silver Linings Playbook is almost a hidden gem only because of its limited release.
It has been receiving attention for awhile since it debuted at film festivals across the country, even some Oscar buzz. I was skeptical about the Oscar talks until I saw it for myself. This movie comes out of left field and just works.
When you take a mentally unstable person and another mentally unstable person and make them the main character of your movie (or book) you open the door for anything to happen. Bradley Cooper's character, Patrick, spent eight months in a mental hospital for various reasons that I will not mention here and Jennifer Lawrence's character, Tiffany, has her own issues as well. The two compliment each other perfectly.
The story is very relatable on many levels. Either you have come in contact with someone with mental issues like the characters or you have actually acted like the characters in the film (with or without the instability). It follows the ups and downs of bipolarity through the characters and the plot and it is great to watch. I feel that you really get a chance to understand the troubles of mental instability all while being able to laugh. There were very few moments where I wasn't laughing.
Cooper and Lawrence deliver one hundred percent. I believed both of their mental instability. Whether it was acting or just a regular actor's personality doesn't matter. They were both incredible. Definite Oscar contenders (first for Cooper and second for Lawrence and so far my favorites to win them, but Lincoln will probably change at least the Best Actor). Robert DeNiro is stupendous as the father set in his ways. Other than that most of the characters fall by the wayside since they have minimal screen time...With one exception: Chris Tucker. He was an huge addition to the humor and you'll understand if you see the movie.
Overall, this is a great movie for everyone. No matter who is watching he or she will definitely be able to find something to enjoy in Silver Linings Playbook. There are multiple meanings for many of the jokes and lines throughout this movie and you can read into them however you like. And therein lies the beauty of this film. I think this is an instant classic and a must-see. It will build Oscar buzz and hopefully take a few awards.