Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Television

It has been awhile since I've posted anything here, but it's finally that time of year again. The time for our beloved shows to return with brand new episodes and new shows attempt to gain our attention and garner an audience. Yesterday, "Parks & Recreation" returned, just one of many shows that I watch. A few shows, though none of my real favorites, have already begun.

"Revolution," a new show on NBC has proven to be better than I expected. Getting into a show is tough, though some pilots hook you right away. This show is for anyone who is a fan of "Heroes" because it feels like a cross between that and "Lost." It will hopefully continue to hold my attention and keep being exciting. If it doesn't do those things it will fall into the hole that "Heroes" did, but much much sooner.

Maybe I'm just biased to NBC, but most of the shows that I watch are on this network. Community, 30 Rock, The Voice, Parks & Rec, The Office, Revolution, Go On (another new show that has surprised me for the time being), and Parenthood. That last one has been a guilty pleasure for awhile and I don't know why I like the show. It's just a good show. Then there's Modern Family, the one show I watch on ABC and New Girl and Fringe on FOX for the network shows I watch. Finally there's American Horror Story and Wilfred on FX. And my friends wonder why I don't need anymore shows to watch...

Of the five comedies on NBC that I watch, two are having their final seasons this year (30 Rock and The Office) and two others need to have incredible viewership, and fans ready to fight for them, if they want to stay on the air (Community and Parks & Rec). The two endangered of being cancelled are two of the funniest shows on TV currently. I honestly cannot think of more smartly written sitcoms nowadays. They both have been falling into the rut that Arrested Development had, they are almost too smart for the "common viewer." However as Arrested Development is gaining more attention again I think people are beginning to watch Community and Parks & Rec the same way, if not these two shows are getting a similar viewership.

As shows start up again, so does my quoting and referencing. Parks & Rec had some gems last night and I can't wait to use them to see who really follows these shows too. I can't wait to see what surprises come from these different shows and how the new ones change over the course of the season.

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